JNTUK-KKD-University Examination Center- M.Tech & M.Pharmacy students- Permission to conduct Project Viva Voce 2018 & 2019 Admitted batch – Viva -Voce Submission – Reg.
Several requests were received from various colleges stating that some PG students of 2018 & 2019 admitted batch could not complete their project works within the stipulated time and now they are ready for submission of projects.
Under the circumstances stated above, vide reference cited, the Director of Evaluation is pleased to permit the following students to submit the M.Tech & M.Pharmacy projects and to appear for Viva Voce examinations duly paying the specified fine (in addition to required fee of Rs 1000/-) within 15 days.
The Principals of the colleges are informed to submit payment receipt of the fine amount to the Controller of Examinations for the conduct of Viva Voce examinations.
Download the Official Notification Here: Click Here