JNTUK Promotion Cretiria for B.Tech(R20), B.Pharmacy and Pharm.D Courses from the A.Y 2023-2024
Sub: JNTU Kakinada — Establishment — Promotion criterion for B.Tech (R20), B. Pharmacy(PCI norms) and Pharm.D (PCI norms) courses from the Academic Year 2023-2024 — Orders – Issued.
Read: 1. Committee Report dt.19.08.2023. 2. Note orders dated 22.09.2023 of Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, JNTUK.
The Committee Constituted vide reference (1) read above, has furnished the following remarks regarding the provision of B.Tech Promotion policy(R20) and PCI Guidelines and Academic Regulations for B.Pharrnacy & Pharm.D courses from the academic year 2023-2024:
1) B.Tech R20 Academic Regulations Rule 15.
Promotion Rules:
The following academic requirements have to be satisfied in addition to the attendance requirements mentioned in item no.8 for promotion to higher classes.
a. A student shall be promoted from first year to second year if he/she fulfils the minimum attendance requirement as per University norms.
b. A student will be promoted from II to III year if he/she fulfills the academic requirement of 40% of credits up to either II year I-Semester or II year II-Semester from all the examinations, whether or not the candidate takes the examinations and secures prescribed minimum attendance in II year II semester.
c. A student shall be promoted from III year to IV year if he/she fulfils the academic requirements of 40% of the credits up to either III year I semester or III year II semester from all the examinations, whether or not the candidate takes the examinations and secures prescribed minimum attendance in III year II semester.
2) B.Pharmacy PCI Academic Regulations Rule 16.
Academic Progression: No student shall be admitted to any examination unless he/she fulfils the norms given in 6. Academic progression rules are applicable as follows:
a. A student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of I, II and III semesters till the IV semester examinations. However, he/she shall not be eligible to attend the courses of V semester until all the courses of I and II semesters are successfully completed.
b. A student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of III, IV and V semesters till the VI semester examinations. However, he/she shall not be eligible to attend the courses of VII semester until all the courses of I, II, III and IV semesters are successfully completed.
c. A student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of V, VI and VII semesters till the VIII semester examinations. However, he/she shall not be eligible to get the course completion certificate until all the courses of I, II, III, IV, V and. VI semesters are successfully completed.
d. A student shall be eligible to get his/her CGPA upon successful completion of the courses of I to VIII semesters within the stipulated time period as per the norms specified in 26.
e. A Lateral Entry student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of III, IV and V semesters till the VI semester examinations. However, he/she shall not be eligible to attend the courses of VII semester until all the courses of III and IV semesters are successfully completed.
f. A Lateral Entry student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of V, VI and VII semesters till the VIII semester examinations. However, he/she shall not be eligible to get the course completion certificate until all the courses of III, IV, V and VI semesters are successfully completed.
g. A Lateral Entry student shall be eligible to get his/her CGPA upon successful completion of the courses of III to VIII semesters within the stipulated time period as per the norms specified in 26.
h. Any student who has given more than 4 chances for successful completion of I / III semester courses and more than 3 chances for successful completion of II / IV semester courses shall be permitted to attend V / VII semester classes ONLY during the subsequent academic year as the case may be. In simpler terms there shall NOT be any ODD BATCH for any semester.
3) Pharm.D. Regulations 2008 (PCI) Rule 15.
Eligibility for promotion to next year: All students who have appeared for all the subjects and passed the first year annual examination are eligible for promotion to the second year and, so on. However, failure in more than two subjects shall debar him or her from promotion to the next year classes. Under the above circumstances, the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, JNTUK is pleased to approve the observations/recommendations of the Committee as detailed below:
❖ The JNTUK, Kakinada has been implementing Promotion policy ie. Credit detention prior to 2019-2020. In view of class work conducted online due to pandemic, this promotion policy was kept in abeyance for three years from 2020-2021 to 2022-2023. The students of R20 batch are extended credit detention relaxation continuously for three years and now they are into Final year of the course work and hence relaxation ie. waiving off credit detention for B.Tech (R20) for this Academic Year 2023-2024 is approved.
❖ In line with this, this relaxation of credit detention shall be extended for the students admitted in 2021-2022 Academic Year also, who are on rolls in III Year of course work. Further, all the students shall note that this credit relaxation is extended for this Academic Year only and no further concessions on credit detention will be permitted here after.
❖ It is mandate for all the Universities to adhere to PCI Guidelines and Academic Regulations for B. Pharmacy & Pharm.D courses in implementation of promotion policy as per PCI Guidelines and Academic Regulations for B. Pharmacy & Pharm.D courses from the year 2023 admitted batch onwards.
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