JNTUK R16 4-1 GIT Material/Notes PDF Download
Students those who are studying JNTUK R16 Civil Branch, Can Download Unit wise R16 4-1 Ground Improvement Techniques Material/Notes PDFs below.

JNTUK R16 4-1 GIT Material/Notes PDF Download
- To make the student appreciate the need for different ground improvement methods adopted for improving the properties of remoulded and in-situ soils by adopting different techniques such as in situ densification and dewatering methods.
- To make the student understand how the reinforced earth technology and soil nailing can obviate the problems posed by the conventional retaining walls.
- To enable the students to know how geotextiles and geosynthetics can be used to improve the engineering performance of soils.
- To make the student learn the concepts, purpose and effects of grouting.
In situ densification methods- in situ densification of granular soils- vibration at ground surface and at depth, impact at ground and at depth – in situ densification of cohesive soils – pre loading – vertical drains – sand drains and geo drains – stone columns.
Dewatering – sumps and interceptor ditches – single and multi stage well points – vacuum well points – horizontal wells – criteria for choice of filler material around drains – electro osmosis
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Stabilization of soils – methods of soil stabilization – mechanical – cement – lime – bitumen and polymer stabilization – use of industrial wastes like fly ash and granulated blast furnace slag.
Download UNIT-3 Material PDF | Reference-2
Reinforce earth – principles – components of reinforced earth – design principles of reinforced earth walls – stability checks – soil nailing
Download UNIT-4 Material PDF | Reference-2
Geosynthetics – geotextiles – types – functions , properties and applications – geogrids , geomembranes and gabions – properties and applications.
Download UNIT-5 Material PDF | Reference-2
Grouting – objectives of grouting – grouts and their applications – methods of grouting – stage of grouting – hydraulic fracturing in soils and rocks – post grout tests
- Ground Improvement Techniques, Purushotham Raj, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi.
- Ground Improvement Techniques, Nihar Ranjan Patro, Vikas Publishing House (p) limited , New Delhi.
- An introduction to Soil Reinforcement and Geosynthetics, G. L. Siva Kumar Babu, Universities Press.
- Ground Improvement, M.P. Moseley, Blackie Academic and Professional, USA.
- Designing with Geosynethetics, R. M Koerner, Prentice Hall
- By the end of the course, the student should be able to possess the knowledge of various methods of ground improvement and their suitability to different field situations.
- The student should be in a position to design a reinforced earth embankment and check its stability.
- The student should know the various functions of Geosynthetics and their applications in Civil Engineering practice.
- The student should be able to understand the concepts and applications of grouting.