JNTUK R16 Regulation : Internal, External Exams Distribution & Weightage of Marks

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JNTUK R16 Regulation : Internal, External Exams Distribution & Weightage of Marks

JNTUK R16 Regulation : Internal, External Exams Distribution & Weightage of Marks

Here we are providing the information based on the JNTUK UG Academic Regulations (R16).

JNTUK B.Tech/B.Phramcy R16 Regulation : Distribution and Weightage of Marks

(i)  The performance of a student in each semester shall be evaluated subject – wise with a maximum of 100 marks for theory and 75 marks for practical subject. The project work shall be evaluated for 200 marks.

(ii) For theory subjects the distribution shall be 30 marks for Internal Evaluation And 70 mark for the End – Examinations.

(iii.) For theory subjects, during the semester there shall be 2 tests. The weightage of Internal marks for 30 consists of Descriptive – 15, Assignment – 05 (Theory, Design, Analysis, Simulation, Algorithms, Drawing, etc. as the case may be and for Physics, Virtual Labs to be considered as Assignments) Objective -10 (Conducted at College level with 20 Multiple choice question with a weightage of ½ Mark each). The objective examination is for 20 minutes duration. The subjective examination is for 90 minutes duration conducted for 15 marks. Each subjective type test question paper shall contain 3 questions and all questions need to be answered. The Objective examination conducted for 10 marks and subjective examination conducted for 15 marks are to be added to the assignment marks of 5 for finalizing internal marks for 30.

Internal Marks can be calculated with 80% weightage for best of the two Mids and 20% weightage for other Mid Exam As the syllabus is framed for 6 units, the 1st mid examination (both Objective and Subjective) is conducted in 1-3 units and second test in 4-6 units of each subject in a semester.

(iv) The end semester examination is conducted covering the topics of all Units for 70 marks. End Exam Paper: Part-A 1st Question is mandatory covering all the syllabus which contains seven 2 marks questions for 14 marks with atleast 2 marks of question for each of the six units and in Part-B 4 Questions out of 6 Questions are to be answered with each carrying 14 marks. Part-A & Part-B put together gives for 70 marks.

JNTUK B.Tech/B.Pharamcy R16 Regulation Sample Question Paper Pattern – Not Official


(v) For practical subjects there shall be continuous evaluation during the semester for 25 internal marks and 50 end examination marks. The internal 25 marks shall be awarded as follows: day to day work – 10 marks, Record-5 marks and the remaining 10 marks to be awarded by conducting an internal laboratory test. The end examination shall be conducted by the teacher concerned and external examiner.

(vi) For the subject having design and / or drawing, (such as Engineering Graphics, Engineering Drawing, Machine Drawing) and estimation, the distribution shall be 30 marks for internal evaluation ( 20 marks for day – to – day work, and 10 marks for internal tests) and 70 marks for end examination. There shall be two internal tests in a Semester and the Marks for 10 can be calculated with 80% weightage for best of the two tests and 20% weightage for other test and these are to be added to the marks obtained in day to day work.

(vii.) For the seminar, Each student has to be evaluated based on the presentation of any latest topic with report of 10-15 pages and a ppt of min 10 slides. The student shall collect the information on a specialized topic and prepare a technical report, showing his understanding over the topic, and submit to the department, which shall be evaluated by the Departmental committee consisting of Head of the department, seminar supervisor and a senior faculty member. The seminar report shall be evaluated for 50 marks. There shall be no external examination for seminar.

(viii) Out of a total of 200 marks for the project work, 60 marks shall be for Internal Evaluation and 140 marks for the End Semester Examination. The End Semester Examination (Viva – Voce) shall be conducted by the committee. The committee consists of an external examiner, Head of the Department and Supervisor of the Project. The evaluation of project work shall be conducted at the end of the IV year. The Internal Evaluation shall be on the basis of two seminars given by each student on the topic of his project and evaluated by an internal committee.

(ix) Laboratory marks and the internal marks awarded by the College are not final. The marks are subject to scrutiny and scaling by the University wherever felt desirable. The internal and laboratory marks awarded by the College will be referred to a Committee. The Committee shall arrive at a scaling factor and the marks will be scaled as per the scaling factor. The recommendations of the Committee are final and binding. The laboratory records and internal test papers shall be preserved in the respective departments as per the University norms and shall be produced to the Committees of the University as and when they ask for.


  1. 2-1 sem lo python and ds internals less lo unay sir ippudu external exam loo eni marks ravalii sirr
    internals :09


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