JNTUK R20 1-1 Computer Engineering Workshop Material PDF Download
Students those who are studying JNTUK R20 CSE Branch, Can Download Unit wise R20 1-1 Computer Engineering Workshop (CEW) Material/Notes PDFs below.
JNTUK R20 1-1 Computer Engineering Workshop Material PDF Download
- Explain the internal parts of a computer, peripherals, I/O ports, connecting cables
- Demonstrate basic command line interface commands on Linux
- Teach the usage of Internet for productivity and self paced lifelong learning
- Describe about Compression, Multimedia and Antivirus tools
- Demonstrate Office Tools such as Word processors, Spreadsheets and Presentation tools
Computer Hardware:
Experiment 1: Identification of peripherals of a PC, Laptop, Server and Smart Phones: Prepare a report containing the block diagram along with the configuration of each component and its functionality, Input/ Output devices, I/O ports and interfaces, main memory, cache memory and secondary storage technologies, digital storage basics, networking components and speeds.
Operating Systems:
Experiment 2: Virtual Machine setup:
- Setting up and configuring a new Virtual Machine
- Setting up and configuring an existing Virtual Machine
- Exporting and packaging an existing Virtual Machine into a portable format
Experiment 2: Operating System installation:
Installing an Operating System such as Linux on Computer hardware.
Experiment 3: Linux Operating System commands:
- General command syntax o Basic help commands
- Basic File system commands o Date and Time
- Basic Filters and Text processing
- Basic File compression commands
- Miscellaneous: apt-get, vi editor
Networking and Internet:
Experiment 4: Networking Commands:
ping, ssh, ifconfig, scp, netstat, ipstat, nslookup, traceroute, telnet, host, ftp, arp, wget,route
Experiment 5: Internet Services:
- Web Browser usage and advanced settings like LAN, proxy, content, privacy, security, cookies, extensions/ plugins
- Antivirus installation, configuring a firewall, blocking pop-ups
- Email creation and usage, Creating a Digital Profile on LinkedIn
Productivity Tools:
Experiment 6: Basic HTML tags, Introduction to HTML5 and its tags, Introduction to CSS3 and its properties. Preparation of a simple website/ homepage, Assignment: Develop your home page using HTML Consisting of your photo, name, address and education details as a table and your skill set as a list.
Features to be covered:- Layouts, Inserting text objects, Editing text objects, Inserting Tables, Working with menu objects, Inserting pages, Hyper linking, Renaming, deleting, modifying pages, etc.,
Internet of Things (IoT): IoT fundamentals, applications, protocols, communication models, architecture, IoT devices Office Tools:
Experiment 7: Demonstration and Practice on Text Editors like Notepad++, Sublime Text, Atom, Brackets, Visual code, etc
Experiment 8: Demonstration and practice on Microsoft Word, Power Point, Microsoft Excel
Experiment 9: Demonstration and practice on LaTeX and produce professional pdf documents.
Download The Complete Material PDF
- Computer Fundamentals, Anita Goel, Pearson Education, 2017
- PC Hardware Trouble Shooting Made Easy, TMH
- Essential Computer and IT Fundamentals for Engineering and Science Students, Dr.N.B.Vekateswarlu, S.Chand
- Assemble and disassemble components of a PC
- Construct a fully functional virtual machine, Summarize various Linux operating system commands,
- Recognize characters & extract text from scanned images, Create audio files and podcasts
please update remaining topics soon1