JNTUK R20 2-2 Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machinery Material PDF Download
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JNTUK R20 2-2 Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machinery Material PDF Download
- To study about uniform and non uniform flows in open channel and also to learn about the characteristics of hydraulic jump
- To introduce dimensional analysis for fluid flow problems
- To understand the working principles of various types of hydraulic machines and Pumps.
UNIFORM FLOW IN OPEN CHANNEL: Types of channels –Types of flows – Velocity distribution – Energy and momentum correction factors – Chezy’s, and Manning’s formulae for uniform flow – Most Economical sections, Critical flow: Specific energy-critical depth – computation of critical depth
NON-UNIFORM FLOW IN OPEN CHANNELS: Steady Gradually Varied flowDynamic equation, Mild, Critical, Steep, horizontal and adverse slopes-surface profiles-direct step method- Rapidly varied flow, hydraulic jump, energy dissipation.
HYDRAULIC SIMILITUDE: Dimensional analysis-Rayleigh’s method and Buckingham’s pi theorem-study of Hydraulic models – Geometric, kinematic and dynamic similarities-dimensionless numbers – model and prototype relations.
BASICS OF TURBO MACHINERY: Hydrodynamic force of jets on stationary and moving flat , inclined and curved vanes, jet striking centrally and at tip, velocity triangles at inlet and outlet, expressions for work done and efficiency-Angular momentum principle.
HYDRAULIC TURBINES – I: Layout of a typical Hydropower installation – Heads and efficiencies – classification of turbines. Pelton wheel – Francis turbine – Kaplan turbine – working, working proportions, velocity diagram, work done and efficiency, hydraulic design, draft tube – theory and efficiency. Governing of turbines-surge tanks-unit and specific quantities, selection of turbines, performance characteristics-geometric similarity-cavitation.
CENTRAIFUGAL-PUMPS: Pump installation details-classification-work done- Manometric head-minimum starting speed-losses and efficiencies-specific speed, multistage pumps-pumps in parallel and series – performance of pumps-characteristic curves- NPSH- Cavitation.
RECIPROCATING PUMPS: Introduction, classification, components, working, discharge, indicator diagram, work done and slip.
- Open Channel flow, K. Subramanya, Tata McGraw HillPublishers
- Fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines, Rajput, A.K(2018) , S chand ,NewDelhi
- Fluid Mechanics, Modi and Seth, Standard bookhouse.
- Fluid Flow in Pipes and Channels, G.L. Asawa,CBS
- Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, C.S.P. OJHA, R. BERNDTSSON and P.N. Chandramouli, Oxford Higher Education.
- Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, Md. Kaleem Khan, Oxford Higher Education.
- Fluid mechanics and Hydraulic machines, R.K. Bansal, Laxmi publications, New Delhi.
- Solve uniform and non uniform open channel flow problems.
- Apply the principals of dimensional analysis and similitude in hydraulic model testing.
- Understand the working principles of various hydraulic machineries and pumps