JNTUK Relaxation of Credits for promotion to 3-1 B.Tech Sem for the academic year 2014-15
JNTUK Relaxation of Credits for promotion to 3-1 B.Tech Sem for the academic year 2014-15:
The class work for III B.Tech I Semester for the academic year 2014-15 commences from 25th August 2014.
As per the existing academic regulations (2010-11 batch onwards) “A student shall be promoted from II year to III year if he/she fulfills the academic requirements of 40% of the credits up to II year I Semester from all the examinations, whether or not the candidate takes the examinations and secures prescribed minimum attendance in II year II Semester” (rule 5.3).
It is informed that the last academic year i.e 2013-14 was greatly disturbed for more than 4 months due to Samakyandhra agitation. The loss of class work has been compensated by accommodating extra periods per day. Since all the examinations have been staggered, the process of declaration of results has been slightly deviated from the normal schedules.
Vide references (i) cited above, proceedings have been issued for relaxation of credits for promotion to IV B.Tech I Semester (40% of the credits up to III year I Semester from all the examinations and 40% of the credits up to III year II Semester from all the examinations) for the academic year 2014-15 only in view of Samaikyandhra agitation.
In this connection, a committee has been constituted, vide ref (ii) cited, to suggest whether similar concessions can be extended for promotion into III B.Tech I Sem. The committee opined that, in view of Samaikyandhra agitation, the performance of the students might have adversely affected due to disturbed academic environment and staggered examination schedules. The members of the committee felt that under such circumstances, stipulation of credit requirement for the current academic year may result in loss of one academic year for several students and hence recommended the following vide ref (iii):
Members of the committee recommended for relaxation of minimum credit requirement for promotion to III year I Semester (40% of the credits up to II year I Semester from all the examinations and 40% of the credits up to II year II Semester from all the examinations) for the academic year 2014-15 only in view of Samakyandhra agitation.
Further the committee recommended that the students should fulfill the minimum credit requirements as per academic regulations for promotion into III B.Tech I Semester and IV B.Tech I Semester for the academic year 2015-16 and hence this relaxation should not be extended in future.
Under the above circumstances, the Hon’ble Vice -Chancellor, vide ref(iv) is pleased to relax the minimum credits required for promotion into III B.Tech I Sem for the academic year 2014-15 only, as a special case, due to Samaikyandhra agitation, details of which are as follows:
Relaxation of 40% of the credits up to II B.Tech I Semester from all the examinations.
Relaxation of 40% of the credits up to II B.Tech II Semester from all the examinations.
Students should fulfill the minimum credit requirements as per academic regulations for promotion into III B.Tech-I Sem and IV B.Tech I Sem for the academic year 2015-16.
This credit relaxation should not be claimed as precedence in the future academic years.
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sir i have got 30 credits up to 2-2 sem so how meny credits to enter in to the 3-1 sem it is blind to mind pls tell me a solution for me
Sir I was detain in 4-1 I have doubt there is chance to detain
after 3-2 sir please give rply sir
sir iam 3-2 in mechanical branch how many credits should have to promote 4-1
r13 regulation
sir how many credits up to 3rd year allow r13 2014to2018 batch
Sir I am lataral r13 I joined 2 1 in 2015 so to promote 3 1 how many subjects labs I have to clear in 2 1 and 2 2 and also for 3 2
Sir I have 23 credits up to 2-1 regular how can get credits to promote 3rd year plzz give a solution
Sir I have only 23 credits present am studying 2-2 sem how to I get promote for 3rd year
haa u can promote
38 credits up tn 2-2.
sir ihave 30 credits up to 2-1 (R13) HOW MANY credits it will required for 3-1 ple rply me sir thank you
Sir I'm detained 2 credits will not come so 4-1 how promote 4-1 my credits 32 total credits is 34 so
Any possible to promote I'm lateral entry
Any request latter to jntu A
sir when will be the credits notification will be released for going to 4-1 JNTUH PLZ INFORM ABOUT THIS IT IS TO LATE FROM JNTUH ITS ABOUT LIFE PLZ
sir i have detained in 2-1 &we have to go for same class or then we have to sit in home &we can pay supply exam fees we have to pay college fees -35000, pls tell me
Sir I was detained in 3-1 of r10 regulation now I rejoined the college with my juniors of r13 regulation.but after rejoining the college, after 2weeks the college administration has asked me to get transfer to other college.but date for issuing transfer certificate has been finished
Is there any way for me to rejoin the college.
Hello sir am in r10regulation I am detain 2years now I am rejoin college. I am in EEE department so I have a dought that how many credits are required for promotion to 3-1 b.tech. pls reply me sir
sir am in 2-2 semister of EEE department so I have a dought that how many credits are required for promotion to 3-1 b.tech. pls reply me sir
need 39 credits