JNTUK Substitute Subjects for Readmitted students R10 to R13 – B.Tech 3-2 Sem (R13)

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JNTUK Substitute Subjects for Readmitted students R10 to R13 – B.Tech 3-2 Sem (R13)


Sub: JNTUK–DAP – Substitute Subjects for Readmitted students R10 to R13 – III B.Tech. IISem(R13) – Reg.

All the Principals are hereby informed that the following are the substitute subjects for readmitted students from Regulation R10 to Regulation R13.

jntuk 3-2 ss for r13

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  1. Sir my name is Dhanaraju.I am in 3-1 now.last year I am not paid 2-1 exam fees.now I need to take readmission.i need to write mid exam again or not.and my regulation is r13 but now it changed to r16. Which regulation I need to takeAnd while paying examination fees regular or supply which i need to choose

  2. Sir im sai krishna with reg no : 12fe1a0359 im readmitted from r10 to r13 can we leave 2 subjects as like r10 regulation r not plz clarify my doudt

  3. Sir iam bokked in mallpractise but i have not attemt any answer in question paper sir please inform marks in my pin no 14MT5A0437 REGULATIOn r13 in semester is 2-2


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