KCET 1st Round Seat Allotment 2021 Result (Released) – Karnataka CET Real Seat Allotment @ kea.kar.nic.in

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KCET First Round Seat Allotment Results 2021: Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) has released the 1st round seat allotment result displayed on 27th November. Candidates those who are waiting for KCET UG 1st round seat allotment result can check from the KEA Official website, kea.kar.nic.in. aspirants can check the seat allotment list (real) and can alter the choices. Candidates who got allotted admission in the KCET seat allotment will have to report at the allotted colleges by paying the requisite admission fee. Check more details of KCET seat allotment result 2021 from the following article.

KCET 1st Round Allotment Results 2021 – Karnataka CET Seat Allotment @ kea.kar.nic.in

KCET Seat Allotment 2021

Karnataka Common Entrance Test is annually being organized by the KEA to provide admission to students into various courses appears for the KCET examination. The KEA has recently finished the application process of Karnataka CET. Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET) is an eligible test which is conducting by the organization, mainly for providing admissions into various under graduation courses in top colleges and universities. KCET Courses includes Engineering, Architecture, and Medical, etc., Yearly, many of the Intermediate/12th class students seeking admission in Graduate Degree courses in the state of Karnataka appear for the KCET examination. This year the KEA has conducted the KCET examination in october in many examination centers across the state. Lakhs of aspirants seeking admission in various Graduate Degree courses have appeared for the test. Candidates have also checked the Karnataka CET results.

Karnataka KCET 1st Round Seat Allotment Result 2021 – Important Details

Name of the Conducting Authority Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA)
Name of the Examination Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET)
Category KCET 2nd Round Real allotment results 2021
Release Status Released on 27th November at 11Am
Official Website cetonline.karnataka.gov.in

Download KCET 1st Round Seat allotment List 2021

After the entry of options are completed, based on the options entered by the candidates in the order of merit and by following the Roster System REAL ALLOTMENT will be carried out as per the procedures explained in this Information Bulletin. This Mock Seat Allotment is only an INDICATIVE seat status which candidate may or may not get in the real allotment. It will help the candidate to revise, update, add or delete already the entered options.

Based on the Mock Allotment a candidate can get an indicative allotment of college / course / stream as per his / her priority of options. This gives a clear idea to the candidate to change or retain the entered options. Candidates can get to know that the other candidate with lower merit is allotted a seat which he / she was eligible but for his / her not entering that option. Therefore, candidates will be given one more chance to change the priority of options or deletion or addition or re-ordering of the options.

Check Karnataka CET First Allotment Result 2021

Access to first seat allotment result will be enabled to the candidates. Candidates can enter their CET Number to know their real result. It will be hosted on the website http://kea.kar.nic.in, Candidates will also be able to view the details of seat allotted as per their options priority. Candidates can also view the college-wise, course-wise, category-wise cut off rank of Mock Allotment. Candidates, who have not been allotted any seat in the Mock allotment, should verify the options entered by them and are advised to enter more options in which they are interested.

Due to change in the options by candidates after Mock Allotment, one may not get the same seat in the real allotment as was allotted in the mock allotment.

KEA CET 1st Round seat Allotment Result 2021 are released on 27th November. check from below link

KCET First Round Allotment 2021 ResultsAvailable Now

How To Download KCET 1st allotment results 2021?

  • Visit KEA Official website, kea.kar.nic.in
  • KCET Seat Allotment result link will appear on the homepage.
  • Click on the link and provide the necessary details like login credentials.
  • The KCET Seat allotment list (Real 1st round) will be displayed on the screen.
  • Check the list and take a printout for further reference.


  1. When iis the last date for joining BSCnursing govt. Seat.

    Is bsc nursing seat allotment is completed and the list has send to each colleges.

    Pls revert back at the earliest.


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