Krishna University Exams Scheduled on 08-03-2021 and 09-03-2021 are Postponed
Postponement of Examinations PG III semester and MBA III semester, MCA III/V semester examinations which are scheduled on 08-03-2021 and 09-03-2021.
Sub: – KRU – Examinations – PG III Semester, MBA III Semester and MCA III/V semester Examinations March 2021 —Postponement – Reg.
Having considered the subject and reference above, the Vice —Chancellor has ordered the PG III Semester, MBA III Semester and MCA III/V semester examinations which are scheduled on 08-03-2021 and 09-03-2021 are postponed, due to Municipal and MLC Elections. The rescheduled dates of examinations are given below.
Download the Official Notification Here: Click Here