Kakatiya University Degree Notification Sept 2021 For 2nd, 4th Sem

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Kakatiya University Degree Notification Sept 2021 For 2nd, 4th Sem

Kakatiya University

It is hereby notified for information to all the eligible II and IV Semester (Regular/Backlog) Candidates of B.A/B.B.A/B.Com/B.Sc/B.Voc/ BA (L)/BCA courses of this University who are desirous to appear for the semester Examinations to be held in the month of October / November- 2021 that the last dates for payment of examination fee submission and uploading the Online Examination Application Forms (OEAF) at their respective colleges are as shown below:

  • Without late fee : 14-09-2021
  • With a late fee of 50/- : 18-09-2021

Kakatiya University Notification 2021

UG BA, BA(L), B.B.A, BCA, B.Com, B.Sc, B.Voc II and IV Semester Notification – 2021

COURSESII & IV Semesters
B.A.(General)/B.Com (General) (Regular)650/-
Backlog For 3 or more papers550/-
Upto 2 papers450/-
B.A.(Comp.)/ B.B.A./B.B.M/ B.Com.(Comp.)/ B.Sc.
& B.Sc.(Comp.) (Regular)

Backlog (For 3 or more papers) 650/-
Upto 2 papers 550/-
B.A (LANGUAGES) (Without Practicals)
Backlog (For 3 or more papers (Without Practicals)550/-
Up to 2 papers (Without Practicals)450/-
B.A (LANGUAGES) (With Practicals) (Regular)750/-
Backlog (For 3 or more papers (With Practicals)650/-
Up to 2 papers (With Practicals)550/-
B.C.A (Regular)1050/-
Backlog (For 3 or more papers)950/-
Up to 2 papers650/-
B.A/BA(L)/ B.B.A/ B.Com/ B.Sc/ BCA.
Improvement for each paper
B.Com (B. Voc) Regular (II Semester Only)1360/-
  1. The date of Commencement of Examinations and the detailed Time-Table will be notified in due course.
  2. The Principals are requested to register the student enrollment through online ICR only. The website address is www.kuonline.co.in.
  3. Application form(s) will not be accepted directly from any candidate or from the Principal after the due date.
  4. The students can obtain the application forms from their respective colleges.

Download the Official Notification Here: Click Here


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