MPPSC Assistant Professor Result 2019 Released – Cutoff Marks, Selection List Subject Wise @

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Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) has conducted the Assistant Professor written test in the months of June/July. Hence the MPPSC announced a large number of vacancies, the competition is also high for Assistant Professor posts this year.  The MPPSC has announced 3422 Assistant Professor posts this year and received more than 1 lakh applications from the interested aspirants. The Assistant Professor posts have been announced for various subjects such as Chemistry, Geology, History, Commerce, Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Music, and for many other subjects. Hopefuls seeking to get jobs as an assistant professor in various government colleges of Madhya Pradesh have competed for the MP Assistant Professor posts. All the competitors clashed for the written test have checked with the answer keys to estimating the probable score in the examination. Hopefuls have analyzed their attempt and estimated the probable score. The organization is soon expected to release MPPSC Assistant Professor results on its official portal, Hence the competitors who are waiting to download MPPSC Assistant Professor results 2018 can stay checking the portal to get the result.

MPPSC Assistant Professor Result 2019 Released – Cutoff Marks, Selection List Subject Wise at


Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) is the state level organization that mainly functions for various governmental operations. The organization releases various notifications every year for the interested and eligible aspirants. MPPSC has hugely come up with 3422 assistant professor posts this year. Hopefuls have applied in lakhs for the MPPSC Assistant Professor posts. The selection of aspirants will be done through the written test, and interview rounds. Candidates have to qualify these rounds to get the job as Assistant Professor in the state of Madhya Pradesh. The organization has conducted the assistant professor examination from 08 June 2018 to 02 July in many examination centers across Madhya Pradesh. Hopefuls applied for the MPPSC Assistant Professor posts have appeared for the examination as per the scheduled dates.

MPPSC Assistant Professor Results 2019 – Important Links

Board Name/InfoMadhya Pradesh Public Service Commission
Exam NameAssistant Professor Exam
Post-InfoAssistant Professor
Total Posts3422
Exam Dates08 June to 02 July 2018
Job LocationMadhya Pradesh State
Result StatusReleased on August 26th

Download MPPSC Assistant Professor Result 2019 at

The organization is anticipating to announce the assistant professor results in the month of August/September (tentatively). Hence the hopefuls clashed for MPPSC Assistant Professor posts can check the updates from the MPPSC official portal, Usually, the organization announces the assistant professor results within 3 to 4 weeks after the examination. Hence the competitors are advised to stay patient to download the results.

MPPSC Assistant Professor Cutoff Marks 2018 Subject-wise [Expected]

Cutoff marks/qualifying marks are the measure to qualify the test. MPPSC will announce the MP Assistant Professor cutoff marks/qualifying marks along with the results. Hopefuls who crosses the given cutoff marks will be allowed to continue with the further rounds of selection process.

Check Here: MPPSC Assistant Professor Result 2018, Cutoff Marks & Selection List – Available Now

MPPSC Assistant Professor Answer Key and Cutoff Marks 2018

For the understanding of the competitors, here we have given the MPPSC Assistant Professor cutoff marks [expected] and also the competitors can download the answer key to estimate the score.

Subject NameExpected Cutoff MarksOfficial Answer Key
Chemistry196-204Check Here
Astrology195-203Download Now
Zoology194-204See Here
Physical Chemistry195-204Available Now
Bio Chemistry195-204Download Now
Botany270-300Check Here
Geology198-208Available Now
Military Science197-210See Here
Sociology196-206Download Now
Statistics195-205See Here
History196-205Check Here
Commerce220-240Available Here
Ancient History199-210Download Now
Criminology194-206See Here
Sanskrit Astrology195-205Check Now
Music196-204Available Here
Hindi360-368Download Now
Sanskrit Literature194-210Check Here
Home Science196-210Available Now
Arabic194-205Available Here
English320-335Check Here
Philosophy195-206Download Now
Geography340-360Available Now
Mathematics195-210Check Now
Physics198-208See Here
Aqua Culture210-225Check Here
Marathi270-290Available Now
Law240-250Download Now
Veda230-240Check Here
Sanskrit Oriental250-260Available Here
Economics198-210Download Now
Sanskrit Grammer210-235Check Now
Political Science194-203Download Here
Public Administration260-280Download Now
Dance270-290Check Here
Psychology260-300Available Now
Music Vocal270-290See Here
Drawing270-280Download Now
Organic Chemistry290-300Available Here

MPPSC Assistant Professor Merit List/Final Selection List 2018

The MPPSC has announced the merit list for few of the subjects. Hopefuls can download it from the following links and can check whether their name was mentioned in qualified candidate’s list or not.

Subject NameFinal Selection ListMark Sheet
CriminologySee Here
ChemistryAvailable Now
MathematicsDownload Here
PhysicsCheck Here
EnglishDownload PDF
Sanskrit GrammerCheck NowAvailable Now
ZoologySee Here
PsychologyAvailable Now
Home ScienceDownload Here
Political ScienceDownload PDF
Ancient HistoryCheck Now
GeographySee Here
LawAvailable Now
DrawingDownload Here
Music VocalDownload PDF
Organic ChemistryCheck Now
StatisticsSee HereDownload Now
AstrologyDownload NowSee Here
Public AdministrationAvailable NowAvailable Here
Sanskrit LiteratureCheck HereDownload Now
Sanskrit OrientationDownload Now
DanceSee Here
VedaAvailable Now

Steps to Download MPPSC Assistant Professor Results 2019

  • Visit the MPPSC Official Portal,
  • On the homepage, you can find the link of Assistant Professor Results 2018
  • Click on the link and enter the login credentials.
  • Tap on the submit button.
  • The result, score, cutoff marks will be listed on the screen.
  • Check the result and take a printout of it.


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