RVUNL junior Assistant Admit Card 2018 Download: Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited (RVUNL) is ahead to conduct the Junior Engineer, Junior Chemist, Assistant Engineer & Informatics Assistant screening tests as per the scheduled dates. Aspirants applied for the RVUNL posts have to appear for the written test as the primary task of the selection process. Candidates who are going to appear for the test have to download RVUNL admit card. The admit card/hall ticket is the most important document to appear for the test. Candidates can get their hall tickets from the RVUNL official website, energy.rajasthan.gov.in. after downloading the hall ticket, keep it in a safe place to carry it to the examination. Hall ticket verification will be done as a must in the examination hall. Aspirants will have to show the admit cards at the time of document verification. Hence all the hopefuls have to carry RVUNL JE Hall Ticket while going to the examination without fail.
Rajasthan RVUNL Admit Card 2018 Download For Jr Accountant, Jr Assistant, Stenographer and other posts
Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited has recently announced job notification for 1197 Junior Engineer, Junior Chemist, Assistant Engineer & Informatics Assistant posts. Many of the hopefuls seeking to get Rajasthan state government jobs have applied for the RVUNL Accounts officer posts. Candidates having the suitable eligibility credentials have applied for the Junior Assistant posts from 14th June to 2nd July. During the application dates, the RVUNL has accepted thousands of applications from the aspirants. The screening of suitable candidates will be done through written test and interview rounds. Candidates qualifying in all rounds of the selection process will be selected for the announced jobs. The RVUNL has scheduled the screening test in the month of August. Hence candidates can download the admit cards before the examination date. Visit the RVUNL website, energy.rajasthan.gov.in to download RVUNL Hall Ticket. The hall ticket will be accessible to download before 10 days of the examination (tentatively). Hence candidates can download the hall ticket when the link is activated on the official portal.
RVUNL Hall Tickets/ Call Letters 2018 for Multiple Posts direct link
Name of the Authority | Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd |
Post Names | Junior Engineer, Junior Chemist, Assistant Engineer & Informatics Assistant |
Total No. of Posts | 1197 |
Mode of the Application | Online |
Starting date to submit RVUNL Online Applications | 14th June 2018 |
Last date to submit RVUNL JE Online Applications | 2nd July 2018 |
Selection Procedure | Written Competitive Exam & Documents Verification |
RVUNL Admit Card 2018 released on | Released |
RVUNL Exam 2018 Dates | Given Below |
Official Rajasthan Energy Portal | energy.rajasthan.gov.in |
Job Location | Rajasthan |
Category | Hall Ticket |
Status | Available Now |
Download RVUNL JE, AE, JEN, IA Admit Card 2018 (Available Now)
Exam dates:
- Junior Accountant : 21-07-18
- Personal Officer : 08-07-18
- Junior Assistant/Commercial Assistant-II : 06-07-18 & 07-07-18
- Junior Legal officer : 04-07-18
- Accounts officer : 04-07-18
- Assistant Personnel officer : 05-07-18
- Stenographer: 05-07-18
RVUNL Junior assistant Hall Ticket 2018
The examination will be held in many places across Rajasthan state. Candidates can know their exam center by downloading the hall ticket. The information regarding the examination venue, date, and timings will be given on hall ticket. Along with the exam venue details, candidate’s name, signature, photograph and other identification details will be printed on hall ticket. Aspirants proceeding to attempt the written test can check all the details once soon after downloading the hall ticket. Report to RVUNL for any correction in any columns. The helpline numbers, email ids, will be accessible on RVUNL official website, energy.rajasthan.gov.in. The hall ticket will also be accessible on the same portal. So, aspirants competing for the Rajasthan JE, AE, JEN, IA posts can download and preserve the admit cards beforehand to appear for the test.
Candidates must report at the examination centers before 30 minutes of the examination. Also, it is required to carry any valid identity proof such as Aadhar Card, Pan Card, or passport Xerox copy along with the admit card. Candidates must carry both hall ticket and admit card while going to the examination. Check the following guidelines to download the hall ticket.
How to Download RVUNL Admit Cards/ Call Letter 2018
- visit the RVUNL website, energy.rajasthan.gov.in
- Search the RVUNL Junior Chemist, Assistant Engineer Hall Ticket download link in organization website.
- Click the download link and enter the required details like Name and registration no.
- Submit the details and it will display on the screen after some time.
- Check the information in RVUNL Hall Ticket 2018.
- Save or download the admit card and take a printout.
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