TS SBTET C-16 Scheme of Examination – Clarification issued


TS SBTET C-16 Scheme of Examination – Clarification issued: With reference to the subject cited, you are requested to furnish the model question papers of 1 st semester and Ill semesters of 1sl Unit Tests, 2nd Unit Tests and End examination (both theory and practical subjects) of C-16 Curriculum. The scheme of examination of Internal Assessment and External End Examination of C-16 as follows.

SBTET Hyderabad Academics, C-16 Curriculum Scheme of Examination Clarification issued

Scheme of Examination (I, II, III, IV, V, VI and VII semesters): Theory Examination: Each subject carries usually 80 marks and 40 marks in respect of specified subjects of 3 hours duration, alongwith 20/10 marks for internal evaluation (sessional marks) respectively. However there are no minimum marks prescribed for sessionals.

sbtet telangana

In case of two semesters of 1st year the end examination of 3 hours duration contains Part-A and Part-B. In Part-A there are 20 questions out of which 15 questions should be answered by students, each question carries two marks of total 30 marks. In Part-B there are 8 questions out of which 5 questions should be answered by students, each question carries ten marks of total 50 marks.

In case of 2nd year and 3rd year the question paper pattern is similar to previous one.

Practical Examination: There shall be 40 marks for regular practical work done i.e., sessional marks for each practical subject with an end examination of 3 hours duration carrying 60 marks. However there are no minimum marks prescribed for sessionals.
In each practical subject carry 60 marks of 3 hours duration 40 sessional marks, however in specified subjects it is 30:20 ratio.

Internal Assessment Scheme (1,11,111, IV, V, VI and VII semesters): Theory Subjects: Theory subjects carry 20 sessional marks, Internal examinations will be conducted as per the Academic Calendar schedule for awarding sessional marks on the dates specified for two unit tests for semesters. Avarage of marks obtained in all the prescribed tests w ill be considted for awarding the 10 sessional marks. For remaining 10 sessional marks. 5 marks for assignments and 5 marks for group discussion & seminar. However the pattern and structure of Unit Tests shall be conducted for a paper of 20 marks but subsequently to be condensed to actual 10 marks for Awarding.

Practical Subjects: Student’s performance in Laboratories / Workshop shall be assessed during the study for 40 marks in each practical subject. Allotment of internal marks of 20 should be discrete taking into consideration of the students skills, accuracy, recording and 20 of internal marks for performance of the task assigned to him / her lab practicals assessment test is on par with Unit test. Each student has to write a record / log book for assessment purpose. In the subject of Engineering Drawing-I & II, which is also considered as a practical paper, the same rules hold good. In case of Engineering Drawing-I & II exercises are to be filed in seriatum for 10 marks and test for 30 marks of duration 11/4 hour comprising Part-A consists of 4 questions out of which student should answer 2 questions, each question carries 5 marks and Part-B consists of 4 questions out of which student should answer 2 questions, each question carries 10 marks. In Part-B.

Internal assessment in Labs / workshops / Survey field etc., during the course of study hal I be done and sessional marks shall be awarded by the concerned Lecturer / Senior Lecturer / workshop superintendent with the concurrence concerned HOS as the case may be.
For practical examinations, except in drawing, there shall be two examiners. External examiner shall be appointed by the Principal in consultation with respective head of the department preferably choosing a person from an Industry. Internal examiner shall be the person concerned with internal assessment as above. The end examination shall be held along with all theory papers in respect of drawing.
Question Paper for Practicals: Question paper should cover all the experiments/exercise prescribed. Records pertaining to internal assessment marks of both theory and practical subjects are to be maintained for official inspection and assessed periodically as to guide the candidate to improvise performance in the subsequent exercises/Unit Tests.

Evaluation and assessment of industrial training, shall be done and marks be awarded in the following manner.

Industrial Assessment200 marks (in two spells of 100 marks each)
Maintenance of log book30 marks
Record Work30 marks
Seminar / viva-voce40 marks
TOTAL 300 marks

The assessment at the institute level will be done by a minimum of three members Internal Faculty, Industrial Experts and H.O.D. and be averaged. Therefore all the concerned are informed to strictly adhere to the aforementioned guidelines.

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