TS SBTET Transfer of II Year(3rd Sem level) students from one Government / Aided Polytechnic/Institute to another

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Telangana SBTET Transfer of II Year(3rd Semester level) students from one Government / Aided Polytechnic/institute to another in Telangana during the A.Y.2018-19 – Processing of Applications – Certain instructions – Issued – Regarding.

sbtet telangana

TS SBTET Transfer of II Year(3rd Sem level) students from one Government / Aided Polytechnic/Institute to another

The  Principals of all Government/Aided/Un-aided Private Polytechnics,  Second Shift Polytechnics in Engineering Colleges and D Pharmacy institutions in Telangana are requested to invite and receive Applications from the students seeking transfer from one Polytechnic to another Polytechnic at II Year(3rd Semester level)  for the Academic Year 2018-19 in the Proforma prescribed and enclosed herewith and process the same in accordance with the guidelines given below and submit the filled in applications with all enclosures to the undersigned as per the following schedule:

i) Commencement of receipt of Applications from the students  – 05.03.2018

ii) Last date for receipt of Applications from the students by the principal of the institution – 20.03.2018

iii) Last date on or before which the Consolidated Applications to be sent to the RJDTE, Hyderabad – 24.03.2018

The Principals are requested to bestow their personal attention and strictly follow the guidelines given below while forwarding the Applications for students’ transfers:

1. The Principals may ensure that this Notification is brought to the notice of all the students desirous of seeking transfer to other Polytechnics: The students shall be informed by sending a Circular to the Class Rooms / Examination Halls and by displaying a copy of the Circular on the Notice Board of Office / Hostel so as to enable them to submit the Applications in time for transfer at II (3 Semester) Year level (Regular stream as well as II Shift stream).

2. The last date of receipt of Applications shall be mentioned clearly. The standard application format, which is enclosed herewith, may be provided to the students. Further, the Principals are requested to scrutinize the Applications in all respects, including enclosures. Then, with such scrutinized Applications, a Consolidated Branch-wise List (in Excel sheet in the format given) should be prepared and the same, along with the enclosures, may be sent to this Office well within the scheduled time positively. (No Applications shall be considered after the due date under any circumstances.) Also, a soft copy of the above excel sheets may be sent by e-mail to <rjdtehyd@gmail.com> without fail on or before 24.03.2018.

3. Applications of students seeking transfer to the other Regions shall be forwarded by the Principals of the institutions concerned directly to the Regional Joint Directors of Technical Education, Kakinada/Thirupathi, as the case may be.

4. No transfers to Government Model Residential Polytechnic are allowed, but transfers from Government Model Residential Polytechnics to other Polytechnics are allowed.

5. No transfers from Private Unaided Polytechnics to Government / Private Aided Polytechnics are allowed.

6. In case of  transfer from Government or Private Aided Polytechnic to Un-aided Private Polytechnic, an undertaking has to be taken from all such students/ parents and from the Private Un-Aided Institutions duly mentioning that they will not claim Tuition fee reimbursement from the Government. Without this undertaking their request for transfer cannot be considered and such applications shall be summarily rejected at the Principal level only.

7. Transfers from one Private Polytechnic to another Private Polytechnic is allowed, provided ‘No Objection Certificates’ from both the Polytechnics are submitted.

8. In terms of G.O. Ms.No.271 LEN & TE Dept. Dt.16-07-85, the Applications, accompanied by the attested Xerox copies of the following certificates, alone are eligible for transfer:

a. Residential certificate of parent issued by the Tahasildar of the Area to which the transfer is requested (or)

b. Service Certificate of parent (Govt./Quasi Govt./Public Sector undertakings only) working in the erstwhile District to which the transfer is requested (or)

c. Higher Education study certificate (not below intermediate) of own Brother/ Sister from the Head of the institution concerned.

The Principals are further requested to send the students on rolls at II Year (3rd Semester) level for the Academic Year 2018-2019 in the Proforma enclosed along with the transfer Applications positively.

The ineligible applications received at this office shall be summarily rejected and returned to the respective Principal’s/OSD’s concerned, who remain responsible to the parent/student concerned, for forwarding the applications in deviation of the instructions being issued.



Download the Official Notification Here: Click Here


  1. Sir please release transfer notification as soon as possible fast sir we are facing many problems sir

  2. Sir iam polytechnic student ,I completed 1st year in sana college kodad.now I want to transfer to another college.please, what is the process and when was transfer date start and end.

  3. Sir. My self shashi preetham I got 7709 rank in polycet now I got seat in kothagudem govt polytechnic. Now I want to transfer my self from govt collage to private sccl collage srp. Is it possible to get transfer from govt collage to private collage.

  4. Transfer release date…?
    When you will give transfers..?
    Already 4sem is started..
    We faced many problems to complete 3rd sem in our own collages..
    As soon as please release transfer notification

  5. Sir my name is afroz i got 3881 rank in polycet but due to some problems i got seat in parkal but now i want transfer to warangal polytechnic college so release date of transfer and reply how much percentage should i get to transfer to warangal please reply fast

  6. I understood
    The sbtet board is too lazy to release the transfer notification..

    Plzzz sir release transfer notification….

  7. Sir..! Please sir release the transfer notification..
    Already mid exams dates are fixed.
    Plrase realease transfer notification sir.. We are facing many problems.
    Please release transfer results as soon as..


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