TSNPDCL JAO Answer Key 2018 – Junior Accounts Officer Key PDF For All Sets Question Papers @ tsnpdcl.in

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TSNPDCL JAO Answer Key 2018: Telangana State Northern Power Distribution Company Limited (TSNPDCL) has done with the conducting of Junior Accounts Officer (JAO) examination on 22nd July. The examination was organized in many examination centers across the state of Telangana. Candidates in thousands have appeared for the TSNPDCL JAO written test. The competitors waiting to check the Telangana JAO Answer Key PDF will have to wait for few more days to get it. Keep checking the TSNPDCL official website, tsnpdcl.in to download the answer key. The organization will soon unveil the answer key for all sets A, B, C, D. By comparing the answers with the corresponding set, candidates can estimate the possible score in the examination and other details such as whether they can sustain in the competition or not. Visit the official website, tsnpdcl.cgg.gov.in to download the answer key. Candidates can go through the following article to check more details about the TSNPDCL JAO Question Paper solutions.

TSNPDCL JAO Answer Key 2018 – Junior Accounts Officer Key PDF For All Sets Question Papers

Telangana State Northern Power Distribution Company Limited (TSNPDCL) is the state level power transmission department. The organization works for the enhancement of Power related operations in the state. It annually issues various recruitment notifications for the aspirants seeking state government jobs. This year the TSNPDCL has released the notification for 107 Junior Accounts Officer posts. Many of the aspirants seeking Telangana state government jobs have applied for the announced posts. The TSNPDCL selects the candidates on the basis of their merit in written test and interview rounds. Candidates applied for the TSNPDCL JAO posts have attended the written test round on 22nd July in many examination centers across the state. Thousands of hopefuls have competed for the TSNPDCL examination to get the JAO jobs this year. Based on the merit of aspirants, the screening will be done by the authority.

TSNPDCL JAO Answer Key 2018 – Important Details

Name of the Organization Telangana State Northern Power Distribution Company Limited (TSNPDCL)
Official Websitetsnpdcl.in
Name of the PostJunior Accounts Officer (JAO)
Number of Posts 107
Date of Examination22nd July 2018
CategoryAnswer Key
StatusAvailable Now

Download TSNPDCL JAO Answer Sheet/ Question Paper with Solutions

Competitors appeared for the Junior Accounts Officer written test can download TSNPDCL JAO Answer Key within a few days after the examination. The answer key will be released after 3 to 4 days after the examination (tentatively). Download TSNPDCL JAO Answer Key 2018 from the official website, tsnpdcl.in.

Download TSNPDCL JAO Provisional Answer Key 2018 (Available Now)

Candidates are requested to send their objections if any on the provisional key up to 5.00 pm of 26.07.2018 along with the proof document, to the email id "ebrt2018@gmail.com"

After downloading the answer key, check the score by tallying the answers with the corresponding set. The TS JAO answer key will be accessible to download in PDF format for all sets. Candidates can download TSPDCL JAO Answer key for set A, B, C, D and estimate the score by comparing with the corresponding set. Just go through the following steps to download the answer key and estimate the score.

How to download TSNPDCL Answer Key PDF 2018 for 22nd July examination

  • Initially, visit TSNPDCL Official portal, tsnpdcl.in.
  • Check for the TSNPDCL Jr Accounts Officer answer key download link on the homepage.
  • Click on the link and furnish the required details.
  • The answer key will get downloaded on the homepage.
  • Check with the corresponding set and estimate the score.


  1. 78 as per revised key. Local BC-E. All of you please share your revised marks. And do please share objections if any on revised key. This question is actually wrong. Balance sheet shows……. and……. Of funds

  2. Set A Q.No.5
    If wages are paid for construction of a business premises —- a/c is credited and — a/c id debited
    a) wages, cash
    b) Premises,cash
    d) Cash,Premises
    Provisional key answer – A
    But i marked as – D reason being as per double entry system of a/ctng if asset (cash) goes out it needs to be credited and if asset(premises) it needs to be debited
    What's your call friends ?

  3. which of the following is a limitation of Break Even Point?
    a. static concept
    b. capital employed is taken into account
    c. limitation on non-linear behaviour of costs
    d. limitation on the presence of perfect competition

  4. which of the following technicques are not used to value goodwill in partnership?
    a. multiple of past profits
    b. the book value of the net assets in the statement of financial position
    c. a multiple of sales revenue
    d. profits multiplied by the price-earnings ratio of a similar type quoted company

  5. Under pooling of interests method the differences between the purchase consideration and share capital of the transferee company should be adjusted to;
    a. General reserve
    b. Amalgamation adjustment account
    c. Goodwill or capital reserve
    d. Both (b) and (c)

  6. 6. Mines, quarries, oilfields and forest are examples of
    a. Fixed assets
    b. current assets
    c. Wasting assets
    d. intangible assets

    # i haven't seen any balance sheet which contains a heading called "wasting assets". So is fixed assets correct answer?

  7. 3. income tax paid from business income or owner's income will be treated as
    a. deduction from capital account
    b. income tax account in profit and loss account
    c. deferred income tax account to be shown in balance sheet
    d. income tax paid on business income

    # How can it be same treatment in both cases? if paid from business income or owner's income . what is the right answer.

    1. Trading account shows ……………… incomes and losses
    a. production
    c. manufacturing
    d. personal

    # is production and manufacturing not same?

    2. which of the following calculates actual cost of product?
    a. cost estimation
    b. costing
    c.both A and B
    d. none of these
    # overheads are always estimated. we will never know the actual cost if overheads are involved.

    • Trading account shows production incomes and losses why because manufacturing account shows only manufacturing incomes and losses

    • I am not sure about the first one, what I guess is Production incomes and losses, because now-a-days trading a/c and manufacturing a/c are merged and it ignores quantity details and shows only gross profit which obviously shows production incomes and losses.

      and for the question 2 I agree with your reason, if that is wrong Option B is correct, as costing means Calculating cost of a product.

  9. Most of the members have an objection regarding this question that how the called up capital is required…so they chose only ERR option.. But for calculating EPS we require No. Of shares.. Called up capital is required for that.. In this view all the alternatives is the correct answer…

      • Meghana mine was set A. If you also share the same set, can you you tell what are the questions (questions numbers) with wrong answers in provisional key. If possible or else take it easy. I know it's difficult task. If you can send info on my mail also fine. sk_apsar07@hotmail.com. Iam getting around 75 m very tensed about the results.

  10. Yield is the effective rate of return on investments which is invested by the investors.correct ans is A. ERR

    • How can u calculate yiled ratio only with ERR.is it ERR only sufficient. capital employed is also required to calculate

      • Most of the members have an objection regarding this question that how the called up capital is required…so they chose only ERR option.. But for calculating EPS we require No. Of shares.. Called up capital is required for that.. In this view all the alternatives is the correct answer…

      • yield means effective rate of return. for calculating yield we need capital employeed…
        For value of share under yield method formula is profit /( rate of return I.e yield *no of shares ). So ans is A


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