TSPSC AEE, VAS, Inspector of Boilers Revised Exam Schedule: Assistant Executive Engineers in Various Departments (31/2017), Veterinary Assistant Surgeons in Category(4) of Class-B in Animal Husbandry Department (32/2017), Inspector of Boilers in Boilers Department (33/2017)
The candidates who have applied for the posts of Assistant Executive Engineers (Notification No 31/2017), Veterinary Assistant Surgeons (Notification No 32/2017) and Inspector of Boilers (Notification No 33/2017) are hereby informed that the written examinations of afore said recruitments scheduled to be held on 05/08/2017 and 06/08/2017 are postponed to 12/08/2017 and 13/08/2017 due to the examinations of the Staff Selection Commission scheduled on the same days and on the request of candidates.