UPSC NDA 2 Result 2019 – NDA NA 2 Cutoff Marks, Merit List @

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UPSC NDA Result 2019 for NA 2: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has organized the National Defence Academy 2 examination on 17th November 2019. Candidates seeking defense jobs in India have applied for the NDA jobs have applied for NDA II Vacancies. The UPSC has conducted the NDA examination 2 examinations for applicants on 17th November.

Candidates who have applied for the NDA examination can Download UPSC NDA II Answer Key PDF shortly from the official website, The organization has unveiled the answer key for all sets A, B, C, and D. Competitors can download UPSC NDA II Question Paper Solutions 2019 for the relevant set and estimate the score by tallying with the answers given in it. The answer key lets the competitors check their score, rank, probable marks they are going to get in the examination and various other things related to the NDA II Exam. After checking the answer key, aspirants can keep checking the UPSC portal regularly to find updates regarding the result. Soon, the UPSC will update the result date on its portal. Competitors can also download the cutoff marks and merit list along with the result. Keep checking the UPSC portal for more updates.

UPSC NDA 2 Result 2019 – NDA NA 2 Cutoff Marks, Merit List at

UPSC NDA 2 Result 2019

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) organizes various examinations to hire suitable candidates into Indian Military Academy. UPSC recently unveiled a notification for National Defence Academy and Naval Academy II posts and accepted applications from interested and eligible candidates. A huge number of hopefuls interested in Defence, Naval, Airforce wing posts have applied for the UPSC NDA Posts. The selection process of suitable candidates will be done through the written test and personal interview phases at various levels.

UPSC NDA II Result 2019, Score Card, Selection List – Important Details

Organization NameUnion Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Post NameNational Defence Academy and Naval Academy II
Exam Date17th November 2019
Result Release DateJanuary 2020 (Tentatively)

Download UPSC NDA 2 Result 2019, Qualified Candidates List at

All the competitors who had competed for the NDA 2 written test round on 17th November can expect the results soon in December [tentatively]. The result date is going to be announced shortly by the UPSC. Usually, UPSC will announce the results within one month after the examination. Hence the competitors can wait to check the result date from the UPSC portal,

UPSC NDA 2 Cutoff marks, merit list 2019

UPSC is going to announce the NDA 2 Cutoff marks along with the results. UPSC NDA 2 Category-wise cutoff marks will be announced for general, BC, SC, ST, and other categories. Candidates need to score the qualifying marks to clear the written test round. Aspirants competed for the UPSC NDA II Examination this year can check the previous year cutoff marks for the reference. Competitors can estimate the cutoff marks based on the given cutoff marks.

UPSC NDA 2 Result, Merit List & cutoff marks 2019Available Soon

Expected CutOff Marks for NDA & NA (2) 2019 Written Exam
Expected Cut-OffTotal Marks (Paper-1 + Paper-2)
335 – 345900

UPSC NDA II Cutoff Marks/Qualifying Marks [Previous Years]

ExamMinimum qualifying standard approved at the written stage (Out of 900 marks)Marks secured by the last finally recommended candidate (Out of 1800 marks)
NDA I 2014360722
NDA II 2014283656
NDA I 2015306674
NDA II 2015269637
NDA I 2016288656
NDA II 2016229602
NDA I 2017342708
NDA II 2017258624
NDA I 2018338705

Candidates clearing the written test round with required cutoff marks will be shortlisted for the next round of selection process. UPSC will release the merit list with shortlisted candidates’ names. Candidates shortlisted in the NDA 2 merit list will be eligible for Phase II examination and other selection rounds. Visit UPSC Official website, to check the cutoff marks and merit list. Competitors can keep checking the UPSC NDA 2 Official portal to get the time to time updates regarding the result, call letter, and others.

Steps to download UPSC NDA 2 Result 2019

  • Visit the UPSC portal,
  • On the homepage, search for UPSC NDA 2 Result 2019 link.
  • Click on the link and enter the login credentials.
  • Tap on the download button.
  • UPSC NDA 2 Result, cutoff marks, and merit list will be displayed on the screen.
  • Check the result and take a printout of it.



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