YSR AArogyasri Card Status Check (Eligible) Using Ration Card Number

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YSR AArogyasri Card Status Check: Arogyasri scheme was introduced by Late CM. YS Rajasekhar Reddy to provide the health benefits for the BPL families, employees, working journalists, pensioners, and APL families. The main aim of this scheme is to assure the health benefits to everyone with a nominal charge. In AP state, Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy is continuing to offer the health benefits for the people with the Aarogyasri scheme. People of BPL, APL, Working Journalists, and employees will be benefited from this scheme. The Aarogyasri scheme offers high-quality medical services, cashless treatments, free food and transportation, and free follow up services. By dialing to 104, aspirants can check various details of Health advice, counseling services, directory information, Dr. YSR/EHS/WJHS Info, Aarogya Raksha information, and other relevant details on 24X7 basis throughout 365 days.

YSR AArogyasri Card Status Check (Eligible) Using Ration Card Number

Aarogyasri gives health benefits and assurance to the people who are in severe health disturbances. There are various schemes offered by the state government to ensure the health benefits to the residents. Dr. YSR Arogyasri scheme ensures to offer quality health services for the poor. Aarogya Raksha scheme offers the catastrophic health expenditure for the Above Poverty Line families. Working Journalists Health scheme (WJHS) offers cashless treatment for working journalists and their dependent families. Employee Health Scheme (EHS) is applicable for state government employees and their dependent families, along with the state government pensioners.

ysr aarogyasri card status

How to check YSR Aarogyasri Card status online?

The AP State Government is going to issue the new Aarogyasri cards for the citizens of AP. The Government has conducted a survey to issue the Aarogyasri cards for eligible people. Few of the people have qualified to get the aarogyasri cards and few of the people have become ineligible to get the aarogyasri benefits. The New Aarogyasri cards will be issued only for eligible people. The people who are eligible to get the Aarogyasri cards can check their status by visiting the YSR Navasakam official page, navasakam2.apcfss.in/CheckArogyaSreeStatus.

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  • The Ration Cardholders’ details will be displayed on the screen.
  • The status of that particular ration card will be seen as Eligible/Ineligible.
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  • If the status is shown as ineligible, people can contact the village secretariat and enquire about the remarks for ineligibility.

As per the GO issued by the government, the new aarogyasri cards are being issued to the people. If the people having any of the complaints with their status, they can apply for a new aarogyasri card with the proper details. The new aarogyasri cards can be applied through the village secretariat. If the status of Aarogyasri is shown ‘eligible’ then the applicants are eligible to get the Aarogyasri cards.


  1. it shows an error message like error homepage pls tell me now how to check the status of my argoya sree card..??

  2. Some Aarogyasri Card are Address Not correct and some names are missing in aarogyasri card please check and print how to do corrections

  3. SIR, MY age is wrongly mentioned in the ration card & YSR aarogyasri card. How to change my age. I am having the age proof 1) pan card 2) Aadhar card

  4. Send me the ysr navasakam aarrogya Sri card eligible/ineligible stutus check link provide my gmail. Are given below

    • SIR, MY age is wrongly mentioned in the ration card & YSR aarogyasri card. How to change my age. I am having the age proof 1) pan card 2) Aadhar card

  5. Send me the ysr navasakam aarrogya Sri card eligible/ineligible stutus check link provide my gmail. Are given below


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