JNTUK 4-2 Jumbling Centers 2022: JNTUK B.Tech 4-2 Sem Advanced Supply Examination Jumbling Centers list August 2022. Jntu Kakinada University has released the Jumbling Exam Centers list for IV B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations which are going to conduct in the month of August 2022. Download the JNTUK 4-2 Sem Centers list college wise From Below.
JNTUK B.Tech 4-2 Sem Advanced Supply Jumbling Centers list Aug 2022
JNTUK University has announced the Jumbling Centers list for JNTUK B.Tech 4-2 sem Advanced Supplementary Exams Aug 2022.
Here we are provide you JNTUK 4-2 Semester Exams Jumbling Centers College wise For All Districts. So you can download the List and Check the Route map and Prepare Accordingly without getting tense.
Also Check : JNTUK B.Tech 4-2 Time Tables 2022
Download JNTUK B.Tech 4-2 Sem Jumbling Centers 2022 College Wise List of All Districts
What is Jumbling Pattern of Examination? In Jumbling Pattern of Examinations, All The Students from One College are sent to any other College for their Final Examinations.
In view of the above, based on the instructions from the APSCHE, In order to avoid the malpractices in the examinations, the Academic Senate of the University has taken a decision to implement the Jumbling/Clustering of the Examination Centers for the Conduct of Examinations from the Academic Year 2015-16.
Depends on Queries jntuk might be Change the centers, otherwise this will be the final list.
Sir please postpone btech 4-2 exams to next month kindly requesting you sir
Please postpone the exams at least one week due to the heat wave
please sir
please postpone 3-2 exam because some college are not finished our syllabus so please postpone ONE week